Icing and It's Effects on Aviation
T here are many factor's that can affect the ability to flight, and none are more prominent than weather. There are many different weather phenomenon that can cause pilot's difficulty and even stop flight operations completely. The type of weather I will be discussing in this entry is icing and how it affects aircraft's flight capability. Icing can cause many in flight complications including increased drag, decreased lift and thrust, and increased weight due to the buildup of ice reshaping the cambers on the aircraft. An excess amount of ice can also cause malfunctions in navigation instruments including the altimeter, gyroscopic functions, and even radio antennas. When dealing with Flight operations there are three main types of icing that effect aircraft in the air. These types of icing are Clear Icing, Rime Icing, and Mixed Icing. Clear Icing is sometimes considered the most dangerous types of icing due the heavier weight and...